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Pendragon Productions


EPHS email - teacher at pdragons.com
KSU email - professor at pdragons.com
Sponsor Logos are linked to the sponsor's web site. Additional links are available for some sponsors.
About Michael Perry and Pendragon Productions

The name Pendragon comes from Arthurian legend. It is used because of its whimzical sound and qualities along with the dragon association. Dragons are mythical beasts who lend a fun and interesting presence to Education.

Pendragon Productions web site has been organized into several catagories to aid in navigation. The main categories are the schools at which Michael Perry teaches, professional activities and personal information including photographs.

The school catagories are broken down into classes to help his students navigate and obtain information specific to their needs. Each class within the catagory will contain information about that class and current downloadable documents or assignments needed by students. These pages will be updated regularly.

The catagories specific to Michael Perry are those that contain a resume, conference speeches, and information about private educational consulting. Please feel free to navigate through these pages to get a better understanding of the many activities that Michael Perry is involved with.

If there any questions related to the site please contact: webmaster@pdragons.com

Pdragon Site Development:

Lead Designer -- Michael Perry

Student Designers: Annant Patel & Scott Overman

Database Developer for MySQL -- Scott Overmann

Photo Engine -- Coppermine deployed by Michael Lee

Content Review and Editor -- Noel Kirkpatrick

Happy surfing from the team at Pendragon Productions.

Adobe providers of Acrobat, Premiere®, Pagemaker and Photoshop and NEW Photoshop ALBUM.
Filemaker Pro databases designed for easy use. Filemaker.com

Excellent plugin for Filemaker Pro to email database reports. Datadesigns.com

Makers of GoVenture: Live the Life of the Entrepreneur Business Simulation.
Jackson Software developers of GradeQuick, Edline & adminstrative solutions.

eInstruction makers of CPS inferred keypads and providers of online testing. Contact Ed Barnes ebarnes@alltel.net or MarkPitstickmarkpit5428@aol.com

ScheduleUS makers of web based calendars at ScheduleUS.com
Jeff Bucchino drew the original Pendragon logo and the logos for Chapel Hill's Print Publications.
Excellent site for Animated dragons. Good site for Dragon Lovers.